Charter adopted on 1 August 2023 – modified on 28 March 2024

Article 1

Composition of the Network

A network has been set up for the justice inspection services of the southern Mediterranean countries, including the justice inspection services of the Kingdom of Morocco, the Republic of Tunisia, the Arab Republic of Egypt, the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, Palestine and Lebanon.

Article 2

Network headquarters

The Network has a virtual headquarters in the form of its website, which is supervised by the Secretariat in coordination with the President of the Network.

Article 3

Inspection representation

Network members are represented by the heads of the justice inspection services or their deputies.

Article 4

Purpose of the Network

The Network aims to contribute to the development of justice inspection services in member countries and to improve their effectiveness and the performance of their staff, by setting up a regular regional forum to improve the effectiveness of justice inspection systems, exchanging information and sharing expertise, experience and good practice.

Article 5

Network missions

The Network has been set up to:

  • communication and cooperation between justice inspection services;
  • to create a forum for discussion, dialogue and exchange of best practice, in particular to develop approaches that will strengthen the independence of judicial inspection bodies and their roles, taking into account the specific nature of the judicial systems of the countries from which they originate;
  • organising meetings and training courses for the staff of justice inspection services in order to develop their knowledge, familiarise themselves with new developments in the field of justice inspection and benefit from good practice in the various States;
  • develop partnerships with similar bodies or networks to achieve the objective set out in Article 4;
  • carry out studies and research on inspection systems for Network member countries or others, as required.

Article 6


Membership of the Network is open to the justice inspection services of the Arab countries, by sending an official letter from the Inspector General of the Justice Inspection Service of the country concerned to the President of the Network.

The President of the Network shall submit the membership application to the General Meeting for decision in accordance with Article 12 below.

Article 7

General Meeting of the Network

The General Assembly is made up of all the Network’s member justice inspection services and is the Network’s highest decision-making body.

The General Meeting is responsible for examining and deciding on all matters relating to the Network, in particular the selection of the Executive Board and the preparation and approval of the Network’s annual action plan.

The Network’s General Assembly meets once a year in an ordinary session to examine and evaluate the annual results, either face-to-face or remotely, and in particular to adopt new guidelines, action plans or technical assistance programmes.

The General Meeting may hold extraordinary sessions whenever necessary, at the request of the majority of members, and agree a specific agenda after consultation with the Chairman of the Network.

Article 8

Chair of the Network

The Network is headed by a President, appointed in turn from among the Heads of Justice Inspection Services of the member countries listed in English alphabetical order (see appendix), for a period of three years.

The Chairman is assisted by a Secretariat chosen by the Chairman for a period o f three years.

Article 9

Duties of the Chairman of the Network

The Chairman of the Network has the following duties:

  • coordinating the Network’s work and activities;
  • convene (at least one month in advance for face-to-face meetings), chair
    and moderate sessions of the Network General Meeting and other meetings;
  • represent the Network in international and regional forums;
  • help to seek financial support for the Network;
  • handle correspondence on behalf of the Network.

Article 10

Executive committee

The Executive Board, made up of the Chairman of the Network and three members chosen by the General Meeting, is responsible for coordinating the Network’s activities

The precise powers of the Executive Board are determined by the General Meeting.

The term of office of the Executive Board is three years. It meets twice a year.

Article 11

Tasks of the Network Secretariat

The Network Secretariat is responsible for preparing Network meetings in coordination with the Chairman and the Executive Board, setting the agenda , monitoring the implementation of decisions taken and keeping the Network’s documentary archives.

Article 12

Network decisions

Decisions are taken unanimously by the members present and, if this is not possible, the Chairman of the Network assumes the task of bringing points of view together.

If it proves impossible to reach unanimity, decisions are put to the vote for adoption by a two-thirds majority of the members present.

Article 13

Involvement o f partners and non-member countries in the Network’s international activities

Non-member countries may be invited to take part in the Network’s activities.

The Network may enter into partnerships with similar networks.

The European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice (CEPEJ), which contributed to the creation of the Network, will continue to support the Network as a partner.

Article 14

Network website

A Network website has been set up and is regularly updated, containing a description of its activities and work  programmes , and presenting relevant publications and documents.

Article 15

Financing the Network’s activities

The Network’s activities are funded by :

  • voluntary contributions from its members;
  • technical support provided by Network partners after approval by the General Meeting.

Article 16

Amendments to this Charter

This Charter may be amended at any time in accordance with Article 12.

Article 17

Network working language

The languages of the Network are Arabic, French and English.

Article 18

Transitional provisions

The Inspector General of Judicial Affairs of the Kingdom of Morocco chairs the Network for the first term and the Inspector General of Judicial Affairs of the Kingdom of Morocco acts as Secretariat during this term.

Article 19

Final provisions

This Charter will come into force as soon as it has been approved by its members and will be published on the Network’s website.