19 October 2023
19 octobre 2023 en ligne

The coordination meeting of the members of the South Mediterranean Network of Justice Inspection Services was held today. The network was set up in Casablanca under the chairmanship of the Kingdom of Morocco, with Tunisia, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon and Palestine as other members.

The meeting, chaired by the Inspector General of Judicial Affairs of the Supreme Council of the Judiciary of the Kingdom of Morocco, focused on examining the application for membership from the judicial inspection services of the Sultanate of Oman and on determining the technical and artistic elements of the Network’s website and the working methodology for the communication workshops to be held from January 2024. The meeting also focused on the preparation of the preparatory meeting for the 3ème conference of judicial inspection services to be held in July 2024.

It should be noted that the purpose of the Network is to coordinate the work of the judicial inspection services of its member countries in such a way as to enable the dissemination of comparative experiences and to benefit from best practices with a view to improving the performance of justice inspection networks, increasing their efficiency and collaborating with counterpart networks and bodies and relevant international and regional organisations with a view to establishing partnerships and organising training activities conducted jointly by these networks.

November 2023

The Sultanate of Oman and Qatar join the Arab Network of Justice Inspection Services